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Darren Cox pc: Kara Vincent Art

Darren Cox

The name Anchor Bay comes from a passage in the Book of Hebrews. "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." The target outcome of all therapy services is that people find their emotional or relational footing again. To have a firm foundation that enables them to get back to a life of meaning and purpose rather than just getting by. A life of purpose is what drives me and motivates me to be fully alive. In 2003 while reading the book “Wild at Heart by John Eldridge” I came across a quote that quite frankly changed my life. "Don't ask yourself what the 

world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." From that day forward, I have made it my mission to be fully alive. For me that is keeping life as simple as possible and focusing on what matters to me most. My faith in Jesus Christ, my wife Heather, and my 3 kids. Being fully alive has nothing to do with money, power or prestige but rather being emotionally healthy, grounded by values and having fulfilling vibrant relationships that recharge the batteries.  

Being fully alive is what Anchor Bay is all about. People ask me all the time, "Darren, why are you a therapist?"  Simple straight forward question but a loaded one none the less. Counseling allows me a ring side seat as people grow and change. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing people overcome difficulty. As a counselor, I get to assist in guiding this process and there is no other profession I could imagine doing. For me, it is what makes me come alive.  







*Evening appointments available on a limited basis


We change lives and strengthen communities by providing affordable mental health and AODA services to people in need.


The vision of Anchor Bay Counseling Center is to see people achieve their God given potential living lives of meaning and purpose.

Anchor Bay Counseling

Visit us at our office in Spooner, WI

As a Certified Employee Assistance Professional, I provide on site services for local businesses and school districts including wellness initiatives, stress management education, employee relations issues and leadership coaching

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