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  • Writer's pictureDarren Cox

New Beginnings Again and Again

Anchor Bay was started 4 years ago with the dream of simply being able to manage my own career. I had no dreams of expansion or adding staff and only wanted to honor God with my day to day work. This original vision lasted less than a year for in year two, Anne Focht came on board. I have always believed that people make the profession and have been cautious to add staff simply for the sake of growth. I want people that reflect what Anchor Bay is all about and that is an office that instills hope and encourages people to be at their God given best.

We are excited to announce that Sue Winesburg with be starting with us in a few weeks. Sue has been a trusted and well respected ally in our communities working in both the Shell Lake and Spooner schools in her role as a guidance counselor until her retirement this summer. Sue will be providing services for children and their families enrolled in county CCS programs serving Burnett and Washburn Counties.

With the addition of Sue, it became evident that we will need more space. We are also excited to announce that we will be moving locations as of October 1 2020. The new address will be W 7164 Green Valley Road Suite 2, Spooner Wisconsin 54801. The telephone number will remain the same at 715-939-1393. I will upload pictures of the new office once remodel is completed but the move will allow us to add more staff as the right people come along.

Stay tuned and thank you for allowing us to live out this dream.

Darren Cox

Anchor Bay Counseling

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